Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ancestral Lines Pairing System: A New Genealogy Numbering System

From our good friend Dick Eastman and the EOGN website:

"Genealogists have invented several different numbering systems over the years to keep track of the individuals in a genealogy. In situations where names are repeated often in a family, a numbering system helps identify the individual of interest. We already have Ahnentafel Numbers, d'Aboville Numbers, Henry Numbers, the Register System, the Dollarhide System, and the NGSQ System. Each assigns numbers, letters, or combinations of numbers and letters to each individual. Now, writing in the American Ancestors web site, Capers W. McDonald has suggested using a new numbering system: the Ancestral Lines Pairing System.

"Quoting from the web site:

"A new ancestral numbering system has been developed that visibly displays component lines and generations of pedigrees in either text or chart formats. This “Ancestral Lines Pairing System” meets essential requirements of being easy to read and understand while maintaining the integrity of its unique indicators, and of recording relationships briefly with as much useful information as possible.

"You can read an abbreviated version of the article at or an expanded PDF version at

"My thanks to Bill Bernardy for telling me about this article."